
Megmeet Sweden AB

Dongguan Zhengkang Electronic Co.,ltd

Zhengkang was established in 2009 as a high-tech enterprise that focuses on electronic cooling system, research & development provisions, production, sales service. Zhengkang has passed ISO9001 quality certification system,ISO14000 environmental certification system and the automobile industry quality certification system IATF16949. With nearly ten years of development, Zhengkang has complete and professional production and testing equipment,  Zhengkang has the capability of module design , product structure design, thermal simulation and product processing . Zhengkang has a variety of welding equipment, can make products that combine multiple welding processes, stable and efficient production capacity with rich experience, and can also provide customers with better and more efficient electronic cooling solutions and processing services.


E-mail: dingluyan@czkr.cn

Address: No.157 Liyatang Industrial zone Tangxia Town ,Dongguan ,China

南木林县| 龙游县| 云龙县| 天长市| 金川县| 翁源县| 永州市| 揭西县| 九台市| 始兴县| 车致| 舟山市| 天水市| 南宁市| 日土县| 海林市| 德化县| 平安县| 五河县| 汉源县| 绥宁县| 高密市| 马山县| 四平市| 苍南县| 曲麻莱县| 阿城市| 瓦房店市| 泸州市| 嘉黎县| 沈阳市| 五家渠市| 崇阳县| 行唐县| 南京市| 砚山县| 聂拉木县| 华阴市| 旌德县| 宁化县| 莎车县|